We are a group of folks who are knit together by a love for the majestic and iconic breed of Texas Longhorn Cattle. We love getting together to help each other improve our herds (numbering from 1 to 100+), improving our knowledge, and improving our business. We are affiliated with the International Texas Longhorn Association (ITLA).
Why don't you join us as an associate member ($20), or as a voting member ($35), or as a lifetime member ($275). We would love to include you in our ranch field days, monthly meetings, etc. And whether you join or not, be sure to plan to attend our annual show (July) where we welcome both TLBAA and ITLA registered cattle; and a local Sale (August; Stan Searle), featuring the area's and some of the nation's finest examples of Registered Texas Longhorns.
You'll be glad you did!
Send your check to our beloved treasurer, Darlene Nelson and you are on your way to helping preserve this legendary breed of cattle, the Texas Longhorn!
Darlene Nelson | Cloverbloom Ranch
51361 WCR 17 Wellington, CO 80549
email: clovrblm@ezlink.com
(970) 897-2444